4 Nutrition Education Sessions


Learn what the fitness industry keeps secret!  Save time and money in the process.


4 Nutrition Education:  Learn what the fitness industry keeps secret!  Save time and money in the process.  Discover the correct information to help you meet your nutritional needs.  We begin with a survey of your top favorite foods and we highlight those that you get to eat on purpose.  Get your energy level back and have fun eating.  Realize the areas where you might struggle to lose weight while getting your results and keep them. Follow up guidance and accountability will help you maintain all of your hard work.

Working with Nissa is a special experience.  You are being assessed with surveys, offered customized tips and taught how to create a lifestyle change.  Her success story in losing sixty pounds and ten dress sizes gives her the ability to show you from experience.  After twelve years in the fitness industry with nine personal training certificates, Nissa has all the knowledge and experience to guide you on your path.  Health and wellness is an intricate goal and one size does not fit all.  You are encouraged to partner with your medical professional (whether certified in medicine or holistic modalities).  Nissa is passionate about knowing your blood work, understanding your blood type and recognizing any bodily injuries.  You will receive caring and committed care that you will not get in a traditional program.

Nissa Salas likes to partner with her clients in many ways.  She takes into account your personality, motivation,  your lifestyle and your budget.  From the first conversation you will notice that Nissa has a customized approach and her humility keeps the relationship grounded.  Where most women struggle to start and maintain a female friendship, Nissa’s professional ability to communicate helps you be successful both in the short and long term.  She will walk you through your goals, help identify patterns that keep you stuck and assist you in the development of a lifestyle change.  Look forward to a change in looks and a healthier body for life!

As with any exercise program there are risks.  You should talk with your doctor to learn what the risks associated with starting a fitness program and to learn what to do and what not to do.  Nissa also recommends annual blood work and taking into account that her program is educational in nature.  She is a Master Level Certified trainer with National Academy of Sports Medicine (CPT, CES, PES, Bodybuilding, Nutrition, Golf, Behavior Change, Mental Toughness) and ISSA (Addictions) and will customize the information based on her knowledge and almost twelve years of experience.  Nissa Salas and her affiliates, colleagues, and trainers take absolutely no responsibility for your own injuries or lack of results.  If you have any questions regarding these ideas or any concerns you can reach Nissa directly at Nissa@nissasalasfitness@gmail.com.

Some people are not qualified candidates to work with Nissa.  You might need a professional with different experience or knowledge.  Nissa is great at assessing where you are and potential for some program design paired with outside assistance.  Some contraindications include (but are not limited to): having extensive injuries, decades of struggle with obesity, the need for counseling or additional therapy, and special diseases and disorders.  Many of Nissa’s clients have balanced out theri blood work and some have even gotten off medication, but those were special circumstances.  Nissa will offer you her ideas along with some life support but may suggest additional support or may not work with you at all.  Understand this is to customize your individual results.  If you have questions you can message her directly at Nissa@nissasalasfitness@gmail.com

All kinds of programs exist both for fitness and nutrition.  Nissa has been in the industry for twelve years and loves to consider the client and their specific goals and needs.  She offers an array of programs, from customized exercise routines and nutrition education plans.  Nissa incorporates warmups moves, stretches and flexibility protocol, exercises that build strength and power and she relies on her high level of skill to assess and provide a systematic program.  Her speciality is Emotional Eating Coaching and she will capture all of your needs in that specialty area that threatens your success.  Be sure to ask Nissa about these key areas of a customized fitness routine:  posture assessment, baseline health protocol, progress measurements, progress photos and one to forty eight month procedures for incremental weight loss.  Methods she may use include lifting light weights or bodyweight, using plyometrics or other cardio moves, Pilates, and Yoga.  Your program will be tailored and specific to you.

Working with Nissa requires a written consent for exercise and nutrition.  You understand that by working with her, you are working with the best in the industry.  Nissa Salas and her colleagues, coworkers and trainers are not responsible for injury, misinformation or any results that do not go your way.  Each and every communication with any of these individuals is for educational purposes only.  If you have compliments or concerns you can message her at Nissa@nissasalasfitness@gmail.com.  Make sure to know exactly what you are looking forward to before hiring her and keep a straight communication throughout your training program.


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