Do you remember a time when you achieved something that you thought was unobtainable? 

Maybe you struggled to get a sweet victory and along the way had doubts and fears.  In the end you achieved something extraordinary that helped you become the person you are today.  The truth is that you pushed through your very own fears to act towards getting results.
Many people have small successes that they say are “no big deal” but the truth is that even small victories can add up to a larger one.  As a baby, when you rolled over on your tummy, then pulled yourself up using the couch and then started to walk around with assistance you did this progressively.  If you went from infancy to toddler capabilities overnight that would be a pure miracle.  Both your mind and your body needed the proper information and support system.
You did not get overweight or out of shape overnight.  Your eating habits, exercise habits or lack of and many other factors come into place to create the body that you have today.  It will not take one workout or two to achieve the body results that you desire.  You will need some key ingredients to get the sweet success of a fit body.
BUT FIRST: you need to know that laziness and excuses will flirt with you and try to keep you unsuccessful.  Are you unknowingly sabotaging your success with thoughts of “I can’t”, “I won’t”, or “I couldn’t because_________”?  When you bow down to those negative thoughts, you literally give your success away to an imaginary cause.  Wouldn’t it be much better to smell the sweet success of your results than to get a whiff of the stinky aftermath of your excuses?
You need to focus on what you can do to get a fit body.  You need to stay focused on that plan and determine that when you fall off you will get back on.  Remind yourself that success only comes when you are consistent.  Allow for setbacks to temporarily get in your way, kind of like a speed bump in the road.  Then, place your foot on the gas and go hard and heavy towards your program without complaints or excuses.   Imagine how it will feel to earn your sweet victory rather than live disappointed you are in your past failures!  The sweet outcome will be fresh obtainable results.