What is stopping you from losing the weight?

1) excuses
a) waiting for someone else (spouse, friends, colleagues) needing a road map, needing confirmation
b) wanting it easily, no work (fad diets, pills, surgery)
laziness/microwave culture, relying on the “system”
c) getting caught up in the past (low self esteem, reminded of failures or successes)
d) worrying about what others think (jealousy)
e) relying on rumors/misinformation
f) worrying about the future
2) inaction
a) putting others before yourself (family, job)
b) not setting goals
c) starting/stopping (being on a “kick”)
d) not having faith in the process, and deciding not to start
3) impatience, where there is striving and pressure (there is mistakes), patience is important
a) paying for a product or service for quick results
b) believing the Lottery way to losing weight
c) not loving yourself as you are
Stopping/starting will never get you where you want.
  Are you overweight and need to improve your health?  Millions of Americans are in the same situation and sixty four percent of our nation is overweight or obese.  Unfortunately people spend years making excuses and not making progress.  The result of being overweight is diminished energy, the inability to work efficiently and relying on the medical industry for intervention.  Did you know that the best way to gain results is by taking control once and for all?  You need to acquire the belief that you can do it by yourself, combined with basic nutrition and exercise information will help you become successful.  Until now excuses, inaction, and impatience are weaknesses that are blocking your success. So let’s identify what IS stopping you from getting the weight off!
  Excuses are the number one reason have a hard time getting the body that they want.  Do you have a lot of excuses for losing weight?  Let’s identify what those are and create a plan to get through them.  Write a list of your current excuses for not losing the weight. Next create a list of solutions. 
  Are you waiting for someone else to lose weight before you can be inspired to go to work?  The truth is you are the only one that can inspire yourself to lose weight.  You are the one that can get to work.  Are you scared to work out and need a program or coach that understands where you are at?  Hire a trainer or take an exercise class.  You might even consider becoming a certified personal trainer. Did you know that top excuses for not losing weight include: a perceived lack of money, a perceived lack of time, confusion as to what to do, and just plain old laziness.  Next, create solutions or rebuttals to those excuses. If you are scared to lose weight because you think your sister will get jealous, then the answer to that is to not worry.  Her lack of confidence in herself has nothing to do with you.
  Another common excuse is impatience.  I have heard it time and time again that someone wants the weight off fast, and they end up self sabotaging their efforts.  They start a program and then quickly fall off without getting back on.  This constant starting and stopping creates a cycle of inaction and lack of results.  Before you know it, they have bought into an expensive program, diet pill or dangerous weight loss surgery.  Millions of people spend money on weight loss and still do not get the body or health they desire.  Why IS that?  Simply put, there are no tricks or gimmicks to weight loss.  You must properly nourish the body with food and properly exercise to build the lean, toned muscle.
  Excuses for not starting a program or sticking with one also include being stuck in the past.  Hundreds of women that I meet have started and stopped a weight loss program but not stuck with it simply because of over thinking the situation.  They decide that any past failure affects the person they are today.  Constantly comparing themselves to their past self creates a negative and bleak situation.  In most cases, people compare themselves to the weight they were in high school! That is a very destructive way of thinking since a teenaged body goes through different changes than a young adult or middle aged woman’s body.
  Other women I meet are nervous to lose weight because they think that success will create an uncertain way of life.  They worry about bulking up, slimming down, and about other unknown factors.  Some ladies even realize that losing weight will create a lifestyle shift that they may not be accustomed to.  Fears of the unknown create uncertainty that freeze up any chances for success.  The benefits to exercise include: better self esteem, promoted circulation in the body, more energy, and a fit and toned body.  I challenge any woman that feels nervous to give nutrition and exercise a try.
  Once excuse that I had for years was that I did not want to make another woman jealous of me.  I grew up with an extremely envious mother that fully mouthed negative comments under her breath anytime she saw a good looking woman.  I witness her repeatedly gossip and mock any woman that was confident in her own skin.  For years I feared that I would disrespect my mother by fully being my best self.  When I was twelve year I watched my mother emotionally eat ice cream past midnight and gaining extreme weight.  I did not want her to feel threatened by my weight loss success. As a result of this unhealthy relationship with my mother, I spent fifteen of my adult years gaining extreme weight, losing it and then getting sick with a tumor.  After my operation, I gained that stubborn weight again only to finally do something about it.  I ultimately lost 60 pounds and kept them off five years through reviewing and challenging my own thoughts.
  I still challenge my thoughts as I simply remind myself of my current and future physique goals. I constantly review my personal thoughts and excuses and allow myself to change.  Recently, I met a woman through a social media website and I became inspired by her story.  She is a professional bodybuilder, competitor, and model who has Multiple Sclerosis, a disorder that affects the entire body.  Symptoms of this disorder include fatigue, muscle spasms, sleeplessness and tremors.  This inspiration of mine is not merely surviving, she is thriving!  Her body is lean and trim with nice muscle tone.  I look to her posts on social media to inspire and provide the inspiration that I need. I encourage any person that is struggling to become inspired by another person’s success.
  When someone is full of debilitating excuses, they then resist any moves forward to create change.  This inaction further paralyzes them and they become comfortable in a zone that perpetuates further inaction.  Before she knows it, this woman has spent months, years, and even decades full of excuses, bad health and even worse, an obesity related illness.  That is a scary place to be in life, as I was once there.  I realized that I needed to be teachable, find the right mentor/coach. and to change my excuses to results.  I am so glad that I did:  it seems that the last five years have progressed me in ways that I would never imagined that could have happened.  My successes include being on a weight loss television commercial and being featured in a fitness magazine.  My story has inspired millions to to something to take control of their lives.  I hope to help millions more with my media presence and written material like this one.
  So how do you overcome that feeling of inaction?  You start by setting goals! Find a fitness magazine with a woman that has the body that you want.  Please note that the healthiest body is one that is leaner with lean toned muscle.  Just because someone is skinny does not make them healthy.  Just for the records,  I am not a fan of Angelina Jolie skinny.  That type of body is lethargic, with little muscle strength and that affects the self esteem.  Women need to find a person that exemplifies health and success.  Cut out your image and place it in a prominent place in your home.  You need a constant visual of what your ideal body looks like.
  Next, write down your current state of body in terms of weight or dress size.  Decide on a long term goal that will get you right were the woman in the magazine image is.  You might freeze up and get scared by this concept. but this will bring perspective of the true journey ahead of you.  Stay focused, and do this assignment anyway.  Your long term goal might be to lose fifty or more pounds.  Don’t get scared! Stay on the path of hope, because if I can do it so can you!  For the record, it is safe to lose ten pounds a month.  Do the math, fifty pounds will take five months to lose.  Be okay with that type of plan, a long term and safe weight loss program.  Have faith in this process and roll that ball forward.
  You then want to decide on an activity that will get your metabolism going.  You might incorporate light weight lifting (which I highly recommend!), walking, running, yoga, pole dancing, etc into your life.  I recommend that you invest in some five pound dumbells and
start a daily routine to shake up your body.  If you are confused or intimidated by the thought of lifting weights, try taking a class at your local gym.  By building the lean muscle with weights, you are boosting the metabolism and producing more timely results.  Don’t be surprised if someone asks you in two weeks what you are doing differently with your body.  In that period of time, I had already increased my body’s energy and was already shrinking.
  Decide on a time of the day that you can work out.  I suggest exercising in the morning, as you will burn more fat throughout the day.  Get your motivation level up through the decision to keep that exercises time, regardless of circumstance.  If an evening workout is in order, create a way to get it in without deviating from that workout.  If you have children or a spouse that are available at that time you might include them in your workout.  Make sure to keep this time for a while, so that you get into the habit.  Let your family know how important this exercise time is to you.  Setting time aside and honoring yourself will make you better able to honor self promises.  Will you ever miss a workout?  Yes, you will! Sometimes life gets in the way.  Once that happens, move forward the next day regardless of circumstances.  You will find that deciding to get back on the horse once you fall off will progress you quickly towards your goals.
    Be patient while working your program.  You have gained weight over a certain period of time.  You have also had the same unhealthy eating and inactivity habits for years, and possibly your entire life.  You are gong to need to change habits over a course of time.  Make sure that you are nice to yourself when you mess up.  Let’s get something straight: you will make mistakes!  Once you realize that you will allow yourself to fall gently.  The plan will be to get back up and continue when you eat the wrong thing or miss a workout.  Don’t waste your time belittling yourself and getting emotionally stuck.  Just pick yourself back up and carry on.
    Impatience and wanting things fast will cause you to buy into fad diets, weight loss pills, surgeries and high dollar fitness programs with trainers that just don’t care.  The average American has spent $3,000 to $15,000 in weight loss programs and gimmicks that just did not work.  I have met people that have wasted thousands of dollars and still have 50 to 100 pounds to lose.  One young woman, a mother to three small children lost her life at 32 years as a result of weight loss surgery.
  What is stopping you from losing weight?  Are you willing to continue living your life in the same fashion as you have until now, while going no where?  If not today is your time to change!  By identifying the excuses, reasons for inaction, and habit of impatience, you can fully start and continue your weight loss program and keep it going.  I am here for you, email me at [email protected] and tell me how this material has changed your life.