The Girl that I Run From

The Girl that I Run From

The girl that I run from is ashamed 
She is tongue tied
She was accused
She was mistreated 
The girl that I run from is angry 
She was mistreated
She was stomped on
She was ridiculed 
The girl that I run from is scared
She was put down
She decided to put herself down first
She wants to protect because that’s all she knows 
The girl that I run from is ready
She realizes she can get up
She recognizes her talents 
She brings on change 
The girl that I run from is strong
She has conquered the past
She has negotiated her present
~Nissa Salas

Stuck with your weight loss efforts?

Have you ever had the uncomfortable feeling that you were stuck in your weight loss efforts?  Plateaus happen when you are doing everything right and the scale does not budge.

An amazing thing happens when we get stuck in a plateau:  we tend to give up and stop taking care of ourselves. Are you scared that for all if your hard work nothing will go right and you will send up at square one?  Does that feeling alone hold you back from giving 100% of your effort to your weight loss program? Let’s give you hope and strategize your next steps.

But first, let’s assess what we currently do.

Do we:

  1. cry and eat bon bons
  2. stop exercising and get lazy
  3. feel like we are too old “for this”

Or do we get back in the game?  It seems like there is more to heath and fitness that meets the eye.  We need to get acquainted with such ways to improve our metabolism and reduce inflammation.  Another key factor is to heal the adrenals while moving the fat burning factor into full gear.

Are you needing more information? Do you feel like you need accountability in trying new things for weightloss? Are you serious about losing weight but scared that if you don’t get results soon that you will actually throw in the towel and give up?

The answers to getting over the hump lie in a few factors: hydration, rest/recovery, balancing out the emotions and mixing up your fitness program.  You have an amazing system called a body.  Chances are you are doing what most women do: cut out carbs, reduce calories, drink coffee and energy drinks, along with having too much stress.  Did you know that some simple shifts will truly change your body chemistry and reduce the issues you are facing?  Let’s look at more details on all of this.

Step one is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses or bottles of water a day up to an entire gallon.  You will have to use the toilet alot, which is ideal for getting the weight off.  Most of us are walking around dehydrated and that helps us to swell with inflammation.  Furthermore being dehydrated makes our metabolism slow down and keeps waste in our bodies.  A great hydration program will produce wonders for your outcome.

Step two is reviewing the amount of sleep you are getting and assess what that looks like.  Are you spending hours on social media?  Do you see that your media consumption is steeling from your sleep and even causing you to not rest deeply?  Did you know that there is such thing as “white light” and that means that your eyes believe the sun is still up? Ideally you should get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night and turn off all digital devices an hour in advance.  That way you can really get the recovery sleep that will help with recovery and fat loss.  You might think this idea is crazy, I mean “who really sleeps that much?”, and who stays off their devices prior to going to sleep?  I once hired a trainer and she put me on stage for my 39th birthday.  She had me sleep 9-10 hours a night and as a result my body was ripped!  Definitely look into this strategy to get the extra weight off.

Adding to these strategies is balancing out your emotions. Did you know that by using your emotional state as balanced as possible you can navigate your weight loss efforts better?  You need to really dig into this one.  Many of our family members and friends are overweight and we are learning how to love them and cater to them while we navigate our new weight loss journey.  Sometimes they don’t support your efforts or they are plain jealous.  You will also have to contend with having bad days of your own, realizing the energy dips and shifts along with muscle soreness.  Sometimes you will feel like you have hit an emotional plateau and that might surprise you. I can teach you how to deal with codependent behaviors in others and how to stay on your path.  I can also show you what I did to lose 60 pounds and 10 dress sizes by limiting my exposure to toxic family and friends. In doing so I eliminated severe jealousy and insecurities that were not my own.  It was tough to do but definitely worth it!  Want me to walk you through some of those activities and exercises? Email me at

Finally, it is beneficial to mix up your exercise program from time to time. Fitness progress happens when you incorporate the warm up, appropriate stretches, resistance training (weight lifting or body weight training), flexibility and cardiovascular exercise.  The best thing you can do for your body is to surprise it.  You would do great to hire a reputable trainer that is certified in NASM.  Reach out to me and I can share details about what to look for in a reputable program or trainer.  I believe in you and can’t wait for your success!

How To Eat Better

Millions of people struggle with their weight.  It is crazy to think that obesity could be a problem in this modern age.  We have access to more information and resources than ever before, yet many people are suffering from self inflicted obesity related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.   It is a common problem in our society that people don’t know what to eat or are addicted to “bad foods”. We are constantly marketed to about what tastes good or what experience we should have in dining “for pleasure”.
One of the biggest and best keys to losing fat is to eat better.  But somehow most people can’t.  The ones I survey confess that think that they know how to eat.  Their ideas include cutting carbs, stopping consumption of red meat, counting calories or even counting points.
Many people know they should not indulge in fast food or sugar and high fat.  But somehow restaurants draw them in as if they were a magnet.  Chemical addiction keeps them loyal.  “Drive through junkies” mean well but just can’t help themselves when ordering take out.  Millions of dollars are spent on meals that could be made at home and in proper ways.  The marketing is clever, and they know how to get those dollars out of our pockets. The result might be spending additional money on healthcare as a consequence of aging quicker. Obesity related illnesses are on the rise, and it is time we took control of our own situation.
The question becomes “How does one eat better?”  The keys to eating better are simple:
1) set a goal and desired results from eating better
2) hire a professional that can offer you true information and can help you navigate tough times
3) stay committed
4) jump back on when you fall off
5) be accountable
6) stop looking for an easy fix.  
Let’s look deeper into motivations for eating better while simultaneously setting a goal. As a master level certified trainer, I help busy ladies get results in minimal time at home. We use the scale only as a baseline tool. Our day one looks like stepping on the scale once a month. In some cases I have my ladies check scale weight once every 3 months. It all depends on their emotional state, as some become severely depressed for no reason.   
I have a client that lost 40 pounds doing my progressive fitness program.  She has several injuries and even an autoimmune disorder that improved with a step by step at home routine.  After correcting some of her issues and being consistent on my plan, this amazing woman stepped on the scale. She announced her weight to her spouse, who decided to write down and track her numbers. This cut deep into her self esteem and she went from losing 40 pounds to gaining it all back because they recorded her daily weight. I learned of this and immediately told her to trash the scale (and I meant it!). Today she is not obsessed and is doing the actions that will get her results again: regular exercise and eating better. Last time we connected she reported no more self torture by “watching her weight”.
To learn how to eat better you must learn skills and scientific information. Many people rely on Google to educate them on what to eat and when to eat.  Because the internet is a hub of information, many diets conflict. Furthermore, there are many schools of thought on how to get results. Where some programs bait you in with promises, it’s always tricky to mix and match info. Eating right is a customizable process that only a seasoned professional can assist with.  The ultimate say so must be given by a doctor or physician. 
Because nutrition impacts the body in many ways, underlying health conditions can either improve or worsen.  You know you ate the wrong thing when you suffer from severe constipation, inflamed joints, or even low energy.  Subsequently, eating the right foods will assist in energy building and fat loss.  How do you know if the right professional for nutrition education is sitting in front of you?
First off, ask them where they got their certification and what it was in. Request testimonials, research their client feedback online and even ask to speak with one of the people they have helped. Seek to know their delivery style of the information and level of adaptability. Helping people navigate the uncharted territory of eating better requires patience and humility.
I once hired a coach that started my session by scratching down a foods list on a paper towel. He stood at his register and told me the “black and white rules” of how to end up on a bodybuilding stage through nutrition. He didn’t ask me my thoughts or my struggles. This coach wanted me to send him my progress photos to his cell phone and never checked up on me after that session. Needless to say I didn’t follow his “plan”, nor did I send him weekly progress photos.  I felt he was unprofessional because he could have used paper to write on. Furthermore, it was a “one way communication” feeling because he never engaged me in knowing more how to customize to my needs.  I was embarrassed to send him photos of me weekly as I had never done that before.  I don’t think he write knew how to progress a “newbie” fitness competitor who was intimidated by high level nutrition (competition foods tend to be repetitive and some meals might appear bland).  I would have appreciated a progressive plan that phased me away from bad eating towards a clean lifestyle nutrition wise.
How do you find a way to eat better for the long haul? You learn to stay committed.  Think about it, if you start and stop, start and stop you will only be like a gerbil on a wheel going no where.  You need to get started eating better, be patient when your energy shifts, and decide that no one and nothing will get you off track. Commit to writing out your eating plan and following it.  
If you fall off, get right back on. “I don’t have the discipline” you say.  Make sure to watch your words, because what you confess is what your outcome will profess.  Simple words turn into actions which turn into results. Say something new like “I will commit to staying on my clean eating plan” and “If I fall off my clean eating plan, I will get immediately back on”.  This creates a new pathway for your success.
I’ve spent time being an extreme thinker. At times I have created an all or nothing thinking pattern around eating better. There is no perfect person and there is no reason to throw in the towel once you eat something you aren’t supposed to. I start fresh and create opportunities to surprise myself. That’s how I went from a size 22/24 to a size 2 in less than two years. I went from a frumpy schoolteacher to a svelte fitness model published in magazines and featured on weightloss commercials.
Be accountable to someone other than yourself. Take and keep measurements and progress photos. The magic is in the journey. Once you are committed and you inch your way forward, the momentum will spark more success. Sharing documentation of your body will impress them and you.  Don’t shy away from one of the biggest tools you have: measurements and photos. You don’t need to focus on them, just use them as mile markers in your journey. Within time you will appreciate this important information that helped you in your path to a higher level of fitness. 
Finally, in learning how to eat healthier stop looking for an easy fix. Recognize ways that you have been programmed to crave fast food.  Not only have you been conditioned to want it fast, but you come to depend on a certain flavor.  If you don’t actually go through a drive through or have a delivery service bring it to your door you might save some money and also shrink your backside.  Imagine creating fresh meals from your kitchen that are prepared in simple ways. Learn to bake your foods in large amounts called batches. Save them in containers and be willing to have your prepared meals become your “fast food”.  Get in the groove of mindset shift by swapping overpriced and unhealthy options for meals that get you results.
Each and every one of us is required to take care of ourselves.  The question is “do we really want to take care of ourselves?”  It seems that the gauge
for health comes from social media, where hot before and after bodies are seen.  Know that all you see is smoke and mirrors and might not be a true representation of weight loss.  We need to get back to the basics of realistic goal setting, hiring a qualified professional, starting and staying committed, jumping back on our plan, being accountable, all while avoiding an easy fix for meals. I believe in you and I want to read your success story about getting results with better eating. Make sure to email me at [email protected] so I can cheer you on.

Are you unmotivated when it comes to exercise?

Are you gaining weight and worried about your future health? Perhaps you need to reach a place where you start exercising to provide sustainable results. 
As you know, regular exercise helps to boost your metabolism, burn fat, and keeps you limber and flexible. Additional benefits include having muscle coordination and strength, building balance, and overall emotional health due to boosted endorphins.
Studies prove that people that exercise live longer and have healthier and more productive lives.
To go from no exercise to exercise regularly, here are 5 ways to motivate yourself to start and continue working out.
  1. identify areas that hold you back mentally 
  2. discover a goal you want to reach by exercising
  3. find a reputable program and or trainer
  4. go all in, don’t flip flop, stick with your program a minimum of 3 months to start
  5. journal your progress (both physical and emotional changes)
Identify areas that hold you back mentally
You decided to read this post because of the frustration you feel and lack of motivation for working out. You may realize that you have an old memory that is painful, maybe you weren’t included in sports. Perhaps the kids in school were mean in gym class or you were uncoordinated and got hurt. Maybe it’s nothing related to that, you just lack the skill of exercise and are even a little scared.
Did you know that feelings are not your GPS? Don’t let your feelings always guide or dictate your next move. When you feel like not doing something, like exercise, you need to ask yourself why. Take out a piece of paper and journal about your lack of motivation. Once you have journaled start to forgive anyone that hurt you or even yourself for feeling the way you felt. You will unlock the jail cell of shame and un-forgiveness that holds you back. Then you will become un paralyzed in the action department.
For years I was held back because of shame. I felt undeserving of the benefits of exercise because I had started and failed so many times! Anytime I choose a new workout program I would talk myself out of doing the work! Once I even bought a gym membership for me and my hubby. We only went 5 times total but I spent $2500 for it!!!
Imagine how many years, how many dollars, and how many moments missed on you holding yourself back. What could have changed internally for you to be able to get results? Getting rid of excuses.
Now it’s time to talk about a goal. Realistically you may not even know what you want or how to get it. Perhaps you are 5’7” tall and 250 pounds. You wear a size 24 but want to be slimmer. Most ladies think of a goal weight and then think of their “high school skinny”. Funny enough once you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and beyond you are no longer a hormonal teen and your weight can fluctuate even more. 
But I’m your mind, you need to drop 175 pounds. Truthfully this may or may not be an achievable goal. Your would do better to select a dress size to focus on. A great goal to create is to lose a dress size every month, until you are at your desired size. Think of going from a size 24 to a size 22 in four weeks. Once you are a size 22 you can achieve getting down to a size 18/20…..and so on.
Get OFF that scale! The scale is a trick because it doesn’t actually tell you the entire picture. After beginning your program you might actually gain scale weight by working out. If you jump on the scale you could deflate your momentum and that will naturally cause you to quit. When working out we all build lean muscle and we simultaneously drop fat. The body will slim but the scale will go up due to the building of lean muscle. Now that you know, stay off the scale as a strategy. Focus only on doing the activities that will get you in shape.
Find a reputable trainer or fitness professional. You MUST know that someone that guides you to get into shape can also hurt you. Movement is a tricky thing, there is a way to progress you incrementally and safely. There is also a way to progress you too quick and you could get hurt.
Some trainers and fitness professionals are extremely knowledgeable but have not studied the science behind the workouts that they create. Watch out for them! How would you know if someone has not formally studied their craft? Ask what they studied, where they got their certificate, and how long they have been in business for.  The preferred companies are National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).  These programs can be studied online or in person or both. The progressive overload of fitness calls for specific foundational knowledge. As a client, you are increasing your lifestyle by hiring a good trainer. Make sure the one you select is qualified.
Also, your trainer must be humble and have empathy. I grew into an empathetic but encouraging trainer. When my clients fall off their plan I check on them. We create a quick action step plan and I follow up with them the next day.  I know the shame of being stuck or falling off. As long as you start all over you will be fine. As a client of fitness it is imperative that you are led by a leader, one who has the skill, knowledge, follow up and attitude that moves you forward. Sometimes you won’t like what he or she puts you through but you will LOVE the outcome!
One more tip to include is that you can fire your personal trainer. I have done that before. I spent great money on a female trainer and got in the best shape of my life. During our sessions she would talk about her personal sex life. I was just trying to get my fitness in, continue to reach my goals and be friendly with her all at the same time. She started dating someone new and b was V excited to share the info. I didn’t mind at first but my hard earned money became sessions of her working me out and telling me her graphic personal life. I learned a hard lesson: fire your fitness professional if necessary.
My next tip for you to start working out and to stay motivated is to go all in. Once you send your money or sign that agreement to start the program you might get nervous and want to back out. That is normal. You will need to get that fear understood. Example: you are taking your first trip out of the country. You booked your flight, hotel room, and local transportation needs. While getting on the plane you have reservations. You get nervous, wondering if you will be able to get around on vacation and not get lost. You decide to move forward and travel anyway.
Starting a new fitness program is the exact same way!!! You choose your goal, select your program, prepare to start and then…….. you get scared! That’s perfectly normal.
I hired my own trainer three years ago. I held myself back for years because “I am a trainer”. My big fat ego got in the way and also my big fat body wasn’t getting smaller. I needed a challenge and to eat better. I was mad at myself the entire workout and I was so sore the next day. I actually allowed myself to be in a bad mood because I was being pushed but also feeling super sore the next day. In fact, I could barely walk! I decided that the first week was “adjustment week” and the following weeks were for going all in. Before I knew it I lost 30 unwanted pounds of fat and lost 4 dress sizes. Because of my new confidence I even started an online fitness business which had twenty clients. My weight loss success was because I went all in and met my goals.
Since you have a size or weight loss goal, now is the time to use the Law of Vision to see yourself making progress in all areas of your life. Amazingly, when you get your fitness together you will impact other people and other facets of your life.  Close your eyes and dream a few, what will change when you change?  Will you be better in your relationships, a more productive person at work, even have more fun afterwards? Going all into your program will be strange at first but your new results will create momentum in other areas.
Finally, journal your progress. Make sure to write about any complements you are receiving, any noticeable changes such as your clothes getting bigger, and even the higher level of energy.  When you can play longer with your kids or do more lawn work you will amaze yourself as you will grow younger.
Sometimes you will struggle in getting fit. You might get discouraged. That is perfectly okay and writing about it will get you through the hump. Don’t get discouraged, as life will throw you some curveballs. If you choose to not put your health first you would still have challenges anyway. Might as well progress despite “life”! And think of all the hurdles you will overcome while getting healthier. They will make you stronger and more capable.
The time is now to get more motivated, and you need quick and easy steps to make that happen. To get from where you are now to where you want to be healthy wise requires identifying what holds you back, creating a realistic health goal, hiring a reputable trainer, going all in and journaling your progress. Make the commitment to follow what is in this blog post and you will produce results. Make sure you share those with me at [email protected] so I can celebrate with you.

Do you remember a time when you achieved something that you thought was unobtainable? 

Maybe you struggled to get a sweet victory and along the way had doubts and fears.  In the end you achieved something extraordinary that helped you become the person you are today.  The truth is that you pushed through your very own fears to act towards getting results.
Many people have small successes that they say are “no big deal” but the truth is that even small victories can add up to a larger one.  As a baby, when you rolled over on your tummy, then pulled yourself up using the couch and then started to walk around with assistance you did this progressively.  If you went from infancy to toddler capabilities overnight that would be a pure miracle.  Both your mind and your body needed the proper information and support system.
You did not get overweight or out of shape overnight.  Your eating habits, exercise habits or lack of and many other factors come into place to create the body that you have today.  It will not take one workout or two to achieve the body results that you desire.  You will need some key ingredients to get the sweet success of a fit body.
BUT FIRST: you need to know that laziness and excuses will flirt with you and try to keep you unsuccessful.  Are you unknowingly sabotaging your success with thoughts of “I can’t”, “I won’t”, or “I couldn’t because_________”?  When you bow down to those negative thoughts, you literally give your success away to an imaginary cause.  Wouldn’t it be much better to smell the sweet success of your results than to get a whiff of the stinky aftermath of your excuses?
You need to focus on what you can do to get a fit body.  You need to stay focused on that plan and determine that when you fall off you will get back on.  Remind yourself that success only comes when you are consistent.  Allow for setbacks to temporarily get in your way, kind of like a speed bump in the road.  Then, place your foot on the gas and go hard and heavy towards your program without complaints or excuses.   Imagine how it will feel to earn your sweet victory rather than live disappointed you are in your past failures!  The sweet outcome will be fresh obtainable results.