Easy Ways to set a Weight loss Goal

Easy Ways to set a Weight loss Goal

Have you ever been frustrated in your path to fitness because you fail to set a proper weight loss goal? Discover that you know nothing about proper goal setting and you just keep yourself hoping, wishing, dreaming and starving (only to binge eat and jump back on the same roller coaster?)
You are not alone! Many women start with great intentions, get going on their fitness path and then fall off. Perhaps they have an all or nothing attitude or even lack in skill and knowledge.  All they see are quick fixes and false promises.  Once the money is spent in these scenarios and the snake oil product doesn’t work it is easy to give up and eat bon bons while binge watching Netflix.
Quick fixes and false promises give you enthusiasm and excitement but that quickly goes away. Once you step back on the scale or see your belly protrude after a one to three day nauseating eating regimen you will lose your religion. It’s time to wake up and learn some goal setting skills. Need more information on this? Sit up, pay attention and take notes. While you are at it, open your mind.
The first thing you need to do is to remove the social media fascination with weight loss. Have you ever heard the expression “Look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite!”? The internet makes what I call “quick claims” to success. Many of them aren’t realistic or sustainable. Below is a list of the “taps” that social media claims will help you to lose weight (after they take your money):
diets like Keto, Paleo, Veganism, Vegetarianism
Perhaps someone you know has tried any of the ones listed and had some success with no lifestyle change. The truth is you actually need to put effort and time into eating better and exercising. When I embraced this fact, I lost 60 pounds and 10 dress sizes working out at home!
You need to start setting goals by looking into a BMI or Body Mass Index Chart(found on the web). You will keep in mind your height and in some cases, your a age. You will be shocked to know that many people average 20 to 50 pounds in excess weight. Additionally, please know that being even 30% in BMI means you are in the obese category. Obesity can lead to health issues such as some cancers, diabetes, and even heart issues. In my opinion it’s better to learn to lose weight than to invest in ill health by staying the same.
The best case scenario is to exercise and eat foods that include lean meats, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Be sure to include green veggies, too. You will need to be lay to rest any unrealistic expectations such as trying to lose a crazy amount of weight super quick (I heard a lady once say from a public stage that she wanted to lose 20 pounds in a month). The best case scenario is to lose between 5 to 10 pounds of unwanted fat a month. That could be 1- 2.5 pounds a week. 
Muscle and fat are two distinct separate tissues that bewilder non fitness professionals. Depending on your workouts and nutrition, your muscle definition can grow while your body shrinks. Surprisingly the scale will go up because muscle is more dense than fat. Don’t be like the average person who only looks at scale by weight and totally negates the fact that their body is shrinking.
Start and keep a realistic vision for your success in weight loss. Start by calculating a realistic number of fat pounds divided by the number of months it could take you to get there. Couple those efforts with a realistic and sustainable exercise plan and eating lifestyle. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] and I will be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Nissa Salas
Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Are you tired of hanging your head on the wall when it comes to weight loss?  I have some additional questions to ask you.  By the way, you might be like Marcy, a lady in working with.  She is in her late sixties and has struggled all of her adult life. After marrying in her twenties and raising three daughters, her marriage came to an end. She is about 120 pounds overweight and so are her daughters.  We just got off a call where she learned 3 easy tips to drop ten dress sizes and keep the weight off.  By tweaking her eating alone, she lost two blouse sizes in two weeks.
Question one: What is your deepest fear about losing weight?
Question two: When do you remember being the size you desire to be?
Question three: Do you realize you are being programmed to stay overweight? How do you realize this?
Question four: Your happiness is not found on the scale, how much emphasis do you place on your current scale weight?
Question five: Who in your family currently struggles with weight? 
Question six: List 3 common family expressions or habits around food that impact you today
When you get guidance to think differently you will not only lose the weight, you will keep it off.  The entire diet industry set you up for failure.  Did you know that out of 200 ladies that diet, only 10 or so lose the weight?  Let’s explore this idea further.
For decades women have been taught a “diet culture”, which frustratingly includes deprivation and punishment.
Women are trained to give responsibility for eating to someone else, stripping the power to be successful.  Think about that for a minute.  If we are driving a ten year old car that needs mechanical repairs, and we blame the manufacturer for the need for repairs we are actually not being responsible.  The same goes for being unable to lose weight but blaming the industry for our lack of success.
Add to that equation the need for convenience in terms of food, lifestyle and results.  Someone has connected our desire with our need and added in speed (in timing).  So many ladies I talk with fantasize about weight loss surgery or cosmetic procedures over nutrition and exercise.
Have you spent years or even decades being heavier than you would like to be?  Are you facing a special event or milestone in your life and seeking that daughters hard after solution to your problem?  Look no further.
This is your winning lottery ticket! Well not really but at least I got your attention.  The truth is their is no magic pill, potion, diet or lotion that will get you skinny. But, there is something better.  I will take you to the buffet of information and you get to serve yourself the portion of content you choose.  Get your forks, spoons, and knives.
The facts about dieting are:
Restrictioning calories can potentially slow down your metabolism 
Dieting might cause damage to your efforts by lowering your self esteem
Depleting yourself of options might punish you and cause loss of enthusiasm in making change
Other ways to lose weight include
Getting on a plan that lets you eat can provide hope
Momentum happens when you “heal your Emotional Eating”
Realizing you have options empowers your efforts 
The power of accountability presents strategy to move you forward
Finally, empowerment bring enlightenment and lifestyle change
You can’t lose weight because the odds are against you. Here are some easy ways you can breakthrough (to the other side):
  1. Write a list of 5-10 ways the diet industry makes you rely on them with slick marketing(strategic messages)
  2. Write a list of 3-8 talents you have or character traits that help you in other areas of you life
  3. Write a list of 3 amazing non weight related things you have accomplished in your life
  4. Write a letter about yourself(from the point of view of a loved one or trusted friend). What would they say about you as a woman? What would they say about you as a human being?
Finally, start breaking free from your messaging about yourself and inability to lose weight.  Take the time to flesh out the above steps and write a love letter to yourself. Apologize for the inappropriate ways you spoke to yourself.  Realize that someone modeled badly or convinced you that you were broken.  Perhaps they made you believe you  needed thousands of dollars to have the body (or health) of your dreams.  I can’t wait to hear about your success! I believe in you.  Please email me directly at [email protected] if you need encouragement. Happy shrinking!!!
~Nissa Salas

5 Ways We are Getting Ladies Fit

Are you looking for a “real program that gets real results“? Then look no further.  You are at the right place and at the right time.  It’s true there are a lot of weight loss programs out there, but did you know that THIS program is different? This is called Fitness School and it offers a 5 tier comprehensive look into your at home health and wellness practice.

Fitness School is amazing because it customizes everything and takes you from where you are to where you want to go.  The biggest benefit happens to be the value and specialized services provided.  Let’s look at Walmart for example, where you can get everything for a cheap price (and in a hurry).  You may think that’s GREAT, but did you know that for customized items or specialty designs you may need to go shop elsewhere?  I like and appreciate the concept of the “one stop shop”, however,  and can use that part to talk about Fitness School. But unlike Walmart, let’s get you customized and top quality programming for your weight loss program while adhering to the 5 step protocol.

Our desired outcome with Fitness School is health and wellness that you build at home and keep for life.  You get your 5 tiers with the categories of your vision, your focus, your benefit, your emotional maturity, and your motivation in one place. Your Vision Factor helps you design a fitness level tailored to you.  This includes learning your current health status and turning it into much higher level (one that you never believed before).   Your Focus Factor creates a step by step action plan tailored to your needs and specific underlying disappointments.  We put all cards on the table and remove distractions while building positive outcomes. Your Benefit Factor introduces us to what really makes you tick, goes over your why, did deep into the past while for-seeing the future.  We reduce fears to a minuscule level while building fitness stamina and getting quick results. Your Emotional Maturity phase builds the capacity to add or subtract habits to get results.  The outcome is to keep those results in the long term while becoming a light for others.  Your Motivation Factor is the most exciting piece to the equation because it helps build character in the fitness journey.  Gone are the days when we start/stop and start/stop a program. We will maximize our efforts by hanging onto what is real and raw in this journey.

Add to that the ability to put the skills into an easy way to understand them.  Your success will build on itself once you learn basic exercise techniques, fundamental nutrition hacks and time tested strategies for Emotional Eating.  You will grow to love this program and how it is designed around you.  This truly is your one stop shop as long as you commit fully to this 5 tiered program.

Meanwhile, when you desire a fresh new way to get in shape at home…..THIS is the program for you.  Back in 2011 I took at home workouts to a higher level while eliminating negative self-talk.  As a result, I lost 60 pounds and 10 dress sizes!!! I ended up competing on stage and even did some fitness modeling.  Now it’s time to get you results using a three step formula I call 

Stay Fearless: (you can and should apply these to your 5 tiers)

  1. create a specific vision
  2. act on that vision
  3. get quick but maintainable results

Women have been taught many things in regards to their ability to stay in shape.  First, we have been told that we can’t do it.  Fitness School and specifically the Stay Fearless model help give the skills and power back into the busy woman’s hands.  Second, women have been taught to outsource their nutrition and fitness.  This means that they need to be on autopilot and not use their brains to think. Kind of like pushing a button, results are “there” if someone cuts into our bodies by way of weight loss surgery or plastic surgery to fix what is broken.  At minimum we are told to reduce our calories and to buy pre-made diet food. Fitness School empowers by offering the right exercises that are done at home and real food that is eaten on purpose. The myth is busted that women can’t open their fitness because the process puts responsibility back in the right hands. Finally, women are told they are needy and can’t rely on themselves to get real results (working out at home).  This is far from the truth! You can learn to change the thoughts that trap you in a world where you need empowerment and focus. Once you start gaining skills you will get what is required to become your own personal trainer.

Fitness School was designed with all of a these in mind, and then more.  We start with a simple questionnaire by text, Facebook messenger, or email that goes like this:

  1. What size are you now?
  2. What size do you want to be?
  3. What will change for you when you lose the weight?
  4. Who will you impact once the weight is off?
  5. What did you eat yesterday with the times?
  6. What are your top 20 favorite foods?

Next, you are offered a video call where Nissa herself calls to connect.  She wants to know your specific needs when it comes to your health.  Perhaps you want to look better and feel better for your lifestyle.  Maybe you want to grow into a more physical relationship with yourself to include exercise and eating to lose the weight.  In many cases the need to lose weight and keep it off drives this Fitness School.  To be a candidate you must be humble, coachable, and ready to get results. We only accept ladies that are tired of being tired and that desire real change from the inside out. Ladies that express a true desire to grow will be given the option to join, not those that are fearful and desire to “stir the pot” with others.

Once you are surveyed digitally and over the phone it’s time to add you to our private Facebook page called Fitness Sisters.  The value for this month to month page is actually around $3,000 a month. For a mere $97 a month you get exercises that safely progress you, you get nutrition tips and tricks, along accountability and motivational talks.  Understand that this savings is approximately $2903 and is packed full of quality information you can use the rest of your life.  Ask yourself if you are truly ready for change and willing to take a risk on yourself.

While working through the daily Fitness Sisters routine you will notice quick and measurable results provided you exercise six times a week.  You will need to get acquainted with skills and terminology and Nissa will walk you through it.  She makes each exercise do able and easy while teaching you how to be your own fitness trainer.  For your monthly membership you get daily routines, strategies on being accountable, motivation techniques and make good friends along the way.  You will be able to see amazing results and will wonder how you ever found this incredible resource!

Fitness Sisters feeds you into Fitness School and builds on all of your success and will encompass getting to the next level.  Perhaps you simply want to refer someone to the group, you may reach out directly to get them connected to Nissa (by text at 469-387-6768 of by Facebook messenger or email at [email protected]).  Perhaps you are ready for more elite training online and to save time in the process.  If that’s the case, Stay Fearless Challenge is your next move!  You will train with Nissa and four other ladies for two days a week.  You will require getting acquainted with what’s holding you back plus the proven step by step process to building momentum in your fitness.  This rare opportunity (Nissa might not hold this training much longer) allows you the lifestyle breakthrough and the confidence you need.  The average weight loss is 10 pounds and 2-3 dress sizes.  Reach out to Nissa directly to learn more. Fitness Sisters, Fitness School and Stay Fearless Challenge Coaching all feed into our annual fitness conference to take place on January 18, 2023 in Puerto Rico.  Eligible ladies will come from all over the world and get to build on what fitness and nutrition knowledge they have already learned.

In addition to the items mentioned, everyone in Fitness School has the option to become a certified coach and to teach classes online with Nissa.  This requires:

  1. becoming the fittest version of yourself
  2. studying to be a personal trainer 
  3. learning to be a light for others
  4. reducing the inner chatter to produce and maintain new results

Nissa will walk you through this process and you will enjoy the collaboration along such results to change others’s lives.

As mentioned, this program is the best in the market for getting ladies measurable and lasting results.  The tiers of vision,  focus, benefit, emotional maturity, and motivation will take you far.  Jump right in with us or at least get acquainted. Thank you for reading!

The Best Nutrition Sessions

Recently I was hired to help a client improve her nutrition with three one hour customized nutrition sessions. She had lost over five dress sizes but could not break through her current weight loss plateau. Although she went from a size 2x to a size 14  she felt stuck.  My client worked out, ate better, and did “all the things”, but something still held her back.  In spite of all of her successes was lurking the biggest challenge holding her back and we had to dig for more.

This client was a great case study, as she thought that food was the actual problem.  Furthermore, her issues weren’t easily visible:  doing exercise and eating better displayed great routines.  It wasn’t actually what she was doing that caused the issue, its what she wasn’t actually doing. My client had a glass ceiling of shame and she needed to forgive someone she loves.  That shame dictated her food choices, which could have been more consistent and of higher frequency.

Adding to this equation was the fact that she called herself lazy and got the codependent relationships with her adult son and her ex husband did not help.  No matter what she did or didn’t do, it seemed as if someone mistreated her and that created a simmering rejection.  Her biggest bluffs were drinking her calories and also eating convenience foods to comfort herself.

Once we realized the true reason behind her inability to get her nutrition done there was no going back.  She harbored unforgiveness of one of her relatives and needed to place some boundaries.  That needed to happen right away and her ability to stand up for herself needed to be awakened.  We created an action plan for the next day and got acquainted with self -esteem and power moves for success. Her process included identifying the problem, deciding to reduce or eliminate the problem and actively making quick changes.

Have you ever hit a weight loss plateau like my client?

By noticing what your life pain points are, refusing to let those drag you down, and reducing the situation to allowing others to not mistreat you…. you will gain the necessary posture to improve your codependent nature and create better ways to negotiate your results. Keep this in mind: when you are codependent with others (and allow them to mistreat you), you will start to choose the wrong foods for your weight loss goals. 


Lets dive deeper, you can get up early and do your sweat session.  You might even eat green veggies and a great amount of protein.  What you need is to get deeper Into  the reasons you gained the weight in the first place. Step one is to recognize one person or situation that upsets you. Step two is you take time to write about this and bring you light any feelings of shame or regret.  Step three is to take that situation and make a decision to change and use it as a motivator. Finally, create an action plan and follow through on that plan to create a momentum for success. I believe in you and want an update of how these tips work for you. You might even reach out to have a complimentary 20 minute goals session on nutrition. Feel free to email me at [email protected].