Recently I was hired to help a client improve her nutrition with three one hour customized nutrition sessions. She had lost over five dress sizes but could not break through her current weight loss plateau. Although she went from a size 2x to a size 14 she felt stuck. My client worked out, ate better, and did “all the things”, but something still held her back. In spite of all of her successes was lurking the biggest challenge holding her back and we had to dig for more.
This client was a great case study, as she thought that food was the actual problem. Furthermore, her issues weren’t easily visible: doing exercise and eating better displayed great routines. It wasn’t actually what she was doing that caused the issue, its what she wasn’t actually doing. My client had a glass ceiling of shame and she needed to forgive someone she loves. That shame dictated her food choices, which could have been more consistent and of higher frequency.
Adding to this equation was the fact that she called herself lazy and got the codependent relationships with her adult son and her ex husband did not help. No matter what she did or didn’t do, it seemed as if someone mistreated her and that created a simmering rejection. Her biggest bluffs were drinking her calories and also eating convenience foods to comfort herself.
Once we realized the true reason behind her inability to get her nutrition done there was no going back. She harbored unforgiveness of one of her relatives and needed to place some boundaries. That needed to happen right away and her ability to stand up for herself needed to be awakened. We created an action plan for the next day and got acquainted with self -esteem and power moves for success. Her process included identifying the problem, deciding to reduce or eliminate the problem and actively making quick changes.
Have you ever hit a weight loss plateau like my client?
By noticing what your life pain points are, refusing to let those drag you down, and reducing the situation to allowing others to not mistreat you…. you will gain the necessary posture to improve your codependent nature and create better ways to negotiate your results. Keep this in mind: when you are codependent with others (and allow them to mistreat you), you will start to choose the wrong foods for your weight loss goals.
Lets dive deeper, you can get up early and do your sweat session. You might even eat green veggies and a great amount of protein. What you need is to get deeper Into the reasons you gained the weight in the first place. Step one is to recognize one person or situation that upsets you. Step two is you take time to write about this and bring you light any feelings of shame or regret. Step three is to take that situation and make a decision to change and use it as a motivator. Finally, create an action plan and follow through on that plan to create a momentum for success. I believe in you and want an update of how these tips work for you. You might even reach out to have a complimentary 20 minute goals session on nutrition. Feel free to email me at [email protected].